911PIK.COM is a reporting service for people to use during natural disasters or emergency situations.

Your mobile phone can be of great use! Use it to help authorities see damage during natural disasters or emergencies by sending photos to 911PIK.COM.

Communications can be limited during natural disasters or emergency situations, so your photos, along with notes about location, etc., can be helpful to emergency responders.


Ultimately, your picture is “worth a thousand words” and these words can be invaluable to help with efficient emergency response.

You can also monitor photos that others have submitted to 911PIK.COM. Simply forward key photos from 911PIK.COM to your local authorities, to help them assess damage during natural disasters or other emergency situations.

Go Ahead Try It!

  If your community uses 911PIK, your own local authorities will provide you with a special email address.



How to post a photo
  1. Snap a picture
  2. Email the photo to a 911PIK Email Address.
  3. Add a short note (optional)
  4. Send!
  • Email subject line is not included
  • Maximum Email is 140 characters
  • Photos are deleted from server after 20 minutes
  • 911PIK date/time format is GMT (standard time that doesn't change throughout the year)